(Image: Firewx1, courtesy of David Hans.)
Forest fires serve a unique purpose - they burn down the old, thick growth, clearing the way for young shoots, previously choked of light by the thick upper canopy, to burst forth, and create a new landscape in the ashes of the old.
FOREST FIRE intends to do that with journalism - burning down the old growth of manipulation and propaganda, the over-thick canopy of accepted "names" and opinions, and clearing the way for a fresh, vibrant, truthful brand of journalism - a genuinely new media.
We are very keen to hear from writers, photographers and designers who feel they are able to contribute to FOREST FIRE - initially, this will be a voluntary commitment, but we hope to be able to pay our staff within 6mths to a year - in the meantime, we understand that you may not be available regularly, and that's fine - just let us know what you can do, and we'll work within that until we're able to offer you a paid position. (If it helps, I'm not getting a salary or anything from this, either - pure love, that's me! Ed.)
FOREST FIRE, while politically neutral, will not accept racist, homophobic, transphobic, or misogynistic language, although articles that respectfully and intelligently discuss issues around race, immigration, culture, and the LGBTQ community, along with other issues, will always be considered without prejudice. We may very well end up "causing offence" at some point - that tends to happen when you tell the truth, and is necessary for genuine dialogue, that gets all the issues out into the open - but we will NEVER allow any of the work we publish to cause harm.
As well as this blog, which we will aim to update at least weekly, and more often if something of note comes up, we will be publishing a monthly print magazine, available by subscription, with the first issue released on the 28th July. Future issues will always be posted in time to reach subscribers by the 28th of that month. The deadline for articles for the print magazine will be the 21st July, and, thereafter, the 14th of each month.
If you would like to subscribe to the print magazine, payment is £10 for a year's subscription - please pay this by PayPal to, and make sure we have your correct address, and the name you would like to receive the magazine under. is also the contact for those interested in working with or submitting to FOREST FIRE - whether that is the blog, the magazine, or both! Whichever you're submitting to, we'll make sure there's a link to your web/social media site/s, so people can follow you and keep up with what you're doing outside of FOREST FIRE. It'd also be great if you could provide a short bio with any articles, photos, etc you send us, so we can tell people a bit about you.
This blog will ALWAYS be free to follow!
FOREST FIRE is run from, and published in, the UK.
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